Wed 26 Sep 2018

يه صحيح هے كه آدمی كی زندگی موت الله تعالی كے هاتھ ميں هے، پھر بھی ​يه فرض كر ليں كه آپ 60 سال جيتے هيں۔​

ان 60 سال ميں اگر آپ يوميه 8 گھنٹے سوتے، اٹھتے بیٹھتے اور اس کی تیاری کرتے هيں تو گويا آپ ​20 سال سونے ميں گزار ديتے هيں۔​

اگر آپ يوميه 8 گھنٹے كام اور کام کے لیے آنا جانا كرتے هيں تو يه بھی 20 سال بنتے هيں۔ لہذا ​20 سال کام کاج میں گزارتے ہیں۔

 آپ كا بچپن، نہ سمجھی قبل بلوغت عمر، ٹی وی، انٹرنٹ، گھومنا پھرنا، دیگر معاملات 15 سالوں پر محیط هے۔​

اگر آپ دن ميں دو مرتبه كھانا كھاتے هيں تو كم و بيش نصف گھنٹا صرف هوتا هے۔ يوں آپ كی عمر كے ​3 سال كھانے پینے ميں صرف هوتے هيں۔​

 (20+20+15+8)كھانے پينے، سونے، كام كرنے اور بچپن كے يه ​مجموعی طور پر 58 سال بنتے هيں۔​

باقی بچے 2 سال۔​​

اب سوال يه هے كه ان دو سالوں میں آپ نے زندگی کیسے گزاری. عبادت كے ليے كتنا وقت مختص كرتے هيں؟

حقوق العباد میں کیا کیا. کس کا حق مارا اور کس کو حق دیا

قرآن کتنی بار اور سمجھ کر پڑھا

پورے دن میں 15 منٹ ہر نماز اور اس کی تیاری کے لیے وقت نکالا کے نہیں

قرآن جو کے الله کی کتاب کی ایک رکوع روز پڑھی. ایک رکوع نہ سہی ایک صفحہ پڑھا. ایک صفحہ نہ سہی ایک آیات پڑھی. جو پڑھا اسے سمجھا اور اپنی زندگی کو اس کے مطابق بنایا کے نہیں

صرف ان دو سالوں میں؟

سوچو کے الله تعالی نے اگر آپ سے روزِ قيامت يه پوچھ ليا كه تم نے اپنی عمر كن كاموں ميں صرف کی تو آپ كا جواب كيا هوگا؟

کیا جواب یہ ہو گا کے زندگی کو سونے، اٹھتے بیٹھتے اور اس کی تیاری میں، کام کاج اور آنے جانے میں، کھانے پینے میں، انٹرنیٹ، گھومنے پھرنے میں گزارا، حلال طریقہ اختیار کیا یا حرام، حلال کھایا اور کھلایا یا حرام

 اور کیا جواب یہ ہو گا کے زندگی کو حوس اور نفس کی پوجا کرنے میں، حق چھینے اور مارنے میں، خواھشات کو پورا کرنے میں اور تیری اور تیرے رسول صلی اللہ علیھ و سلم کی سنّت اور ان کی بتائی ہی زندگی پر عمل نہ کرنے میں گزارا

سوچو قبل اس کے کہ الله سے کہنا نہ پر جائے ایک اور زندگی دے دو

زندگی میں بہت راستے لیکن موت کے بعد صرف دو راستے، ایک جنّت دوسرا جہنم

کس راستے جانا ہے اسی زندگی میں سوچ لیجئے

قرآن اور حدیث روز ہر نماز کے بعد تھوڑا سا چاہے ایک آیات ہی کیوں نہ ہو سمجھ کر پڑھیے

مع السلام

Categories : Thoughts / Lessons
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Sat 9 Jun 2018

Dr. Waleed Hakeem 

I am really shocked! I know there are more important deaths to talk about, but there are a few reflections I would like to share that have valuable life lessons for me.

I personally was extremely inspired by Anthony Bourdain's travels, success story, and I learned so much from his travels about what to eat in each country, and learned to be brave in trying new things. In fact, I own his entire collection of episodes and use them as a reference when travelling. He was a chef who was stuck inside a kitchen working long hours, wrote a best selling book in his spare time, and from there, his dunya success was nonstop. His work in supporting Palestinians through his show and humanzing them is just monumental!


Then again, we could clearly see the pattern. Someone who has achieved everything they could achieve in life: fame, money, awards, travels, you wonder, how could someone like this commit suicide? Let's be honest. There are many of us who could only DREAM to have even one-tenth of his life!

When a person achieves everything, they get to a point where they start feeling there is no more bigger purpose in life. There is nothing else to achieve, so they may lose the meaning of life, feel depressed, and take away their life (If you want to protect yourself from this, always find a higher purpose in life. A mission that drives you!)

Believing in an afterlife and a Creator protects a person from many forms of depression, as they live for a higher purporse (although religious people may have depression too for chemical imbalances or from other life traumas, so don't mix both please!). 

We also learn that looks may be deceiving. You may think someone is the happiest person alive because you see them travel, eat best food, have enough money to never work, etc, but deep inside they may feel something else. I personally went through this, where people on my page think that I am super happy because they saw me travel to 100+ countries, but they have no idea how much pain, problems, or suffering I have in my life from other issues that Allah tested me with (and I'm always thankful to Allah for everything, AlhamduliLlah!)

Make time for people. Talk to them, listen to their pains. You never know how many lives you could save when you save someone from depression. When you empathize with their pains! Robin Williams, Michael Jackson, Anthony Bourdain, and many others, remind us that even if you appear to have it all, you may still suffer depression, which is intensified by not having a purpose and not having a connection with our Creator or afterlife. Return to your lord, and seek his help. Especially in these blessed days!

Thank you Anthony for inspiring me to travel, try food that I never imagined to try, and teaching me about other cultures. I learned from you that even if a person is small and unknown, they could work hard to make their message global, not just food, but for a bigger and better legacy. It is sad that even though you have visited many Muslim countries, you didn't find your path to guidance. You are now with your Creator!

P.S I know he used foul language a lot in his shows, and that's really bad, but always observe and see what positive things you can learn from each person you meet, regardless of their background.

By Dr. Waleed Hakeem, Traveling Imam

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Wed 17 Jun 2009

Visual Alaram

Completely Silent

Wake up without disturbing anyone else

Great for deaf or hearing impared

Makes a great gift

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Fri 6 Mar 2009
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Fri 12 Dec 2008

It always puts a smile on my face when I see such clocks.

I enjoy the different and sometimes bizarre designs but when it comes to telling time that's where the problems start. We are accustomed to round clocks with 3 (sometimes 2) hands.

So this is a time cube but instead of hands it has triangles. The large one is the hour hand the middle one - minutes and the smallest one is for minutes. I think and this is only a guess, that you can tell time by looking at the numbers near the black line. What I like about this clock is that it transform into different shapes for 12 hours.

Contributer - T Bath






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Wed 27 Aug 2008
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Thu 31 Jul 2008
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