Mon 7 Jun 2021

Here is a list of things you need to teach your Child(ren) at early age:

1: Warn your Child never to sit on anyone's laps no matter the situation including uncles.

2: Avoid Getting Dressed in front of your child once he/she is 2 years old. Learn to excuse them or yourself.

3. Never allow any adult refer to your child as 'my wife' or 'my husband'

4. Whenever your child goes out to play with friends make sure you look for a way to find out what kind of play they do, because young people now sexually abuse themselves.

5. Never force your child to visit any adult he or she is not comfortable with and also be observant if your child becomes too fond of a particular adult.

6. Once a very lively child suddenly becomes withdrawn you may need to patiently ask lots of questions from your child.

7. Carefully educate your grown ups about the right values of sex . If you don't, the society will teach them the wrong values.

8: It is always advisable you go through any new Material like cartoons you just bought for them before they start seeing it themselves.

9. Ensure you activate parental controls on your cable networks and advice your friends especially those your child(ren) visit(s) often.

10. Teach your 3 year olds how to wash their private parts properly and warn them never to allow anyone touch those areas and that includes you (remember, charity begins from home and with you).

11: Blacklist some materials/associates you think could threaten the sanity of your child (this includes music, movies and even friends and families).

12. Let your child(ren) understand the value of standing out of the crowd.

13: Once your child complains about a particular person, don't keep quiet about it. Take up the case and show them you can defend them.

Remember, we are either parents or parents-to-be. and remember "THE PAIN LASTS A LIFETIME"


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Tue 17 Jul 2018

ایک ڈھائی سال کا بچہ ایمرجنسی میں لایا گیا.

چابی سے کھیلتے ہوئے اس نے وہی چابی بجلی کی ایکسٹینشن میں دے دی. شدید جھٹکا لگا اور جب تک ہمارے پاس پہنچا حرکت قلب بند ہو چکی تھی.

خدارا بچوں کے معاملے میں بہت احتیاط کریں. بالخصوص یہ 1 سے 3 سال کی عمر نہایت خطرناک ہے.

اس عمر کے بچے کو:

- کسی صورت میں بھی سکہ یا کوئی بھی ایسی چھوٹے سائز کی کھیلنے والی چیز نہ دیں جو گلے میں پھنس سکتی ہو.

- گولیاں ٹافیاں بالکل نہ دیں اور ڈرائی فروٹ بھی اپنی نگرانی میں دیں.

- بچے کا فیڈر کبھی بھی مائکرو ویو میں گرم نہ کریں. اس سے دودھ ہر طرف سے ایک جیسا گرم نہیں ہوتا اور کوئی "ہاٹ سپاٹ" بچے کا منہ جلا سکتا ہے.

- پنسل، تیلا، چابی یا کوئی بھی نوکیلی چیز مت پکڑنے دیں.

- بجلی کے ساکٹس پر ٹیپ لگا کر رکھیں اور کوئی بھی تار ننگی یا بغیر پلگ کے نہ چھوڑیں.

- ٹیبل پر ایسا کپڑا نہ ہو جسے بچہ کھینچ لے اور اوپر پڑا کوئی ڈیکوریشن پیس اسے زخمی کر دے.

- دراز ایسے ہوں(سٹاپر والے) کے بچہ کھینچے تو پورے کے پورے باہر نکل کر اسکے اوپر نہ گر جائیں.

- بچے کو کبھی بھی پانی سے بھری بالٹی یا باتھ ٹب کے پاس اکیلا کھڑا نہ چھوڑیں-. ایک لمحے کیلئے بھی نہیں. بچے اوندھے منہ بالٹی میں گر کر فوراً ڈوب جاتے ہیں.

- بچے کے گلے میں تعویذ، لاکٹ وغیرہ نہ لٹکائیں اور نہ چوسنی کا ہار پہنائیں. یہ کسی بھی وقت پھندا بن سکتے ہیں.

- تمام ادویات اور خطرناک کیمیکلز (مٹی کا تیل، بلیچ، تیزاب وغیرہ) ہر صورت میں تالے میں رکھیں.

- سیڑھی اور چھت کی منڈیر کے معاملے میں خاص احتیاط کریں.

- موٹرسائیکل پر بغیر کسی تیسرے بڑے شخص کے اپنے ساتھ اکیلے مت بٹھائیں.

- گاڑی میں اگلی سیٹ پر ہرگز نہ بٹھائیں اور گود میں لے کر ڈرائیو کرنے والے احمقوں والی حرکت تو بالکل نہ کریں.

- بیرونی دروازے ہمیشہ بند رکھیں اور خیال رکھیں کہ بچے کا ہاتھ کنڈی یا لاک تک نہ پہنچتا ہو.

یہ چند احتیاطی تدابیر آپکے ہنستے بستے گھر کو آناً فاناً ماتم کدہ بننے سے بچا سکتی ہیں.

A two and half year-old child was brought to emergency.

While playing with the key, he gave the same key to the power of electricity. It was a severe shock, the heart was closed.

Please be very careful in the case of children. Especially this is the age of 1 to 3 years old.

To the child of this age:

- Do not give a coin in any form or any small size that can be stuck in the throat.

- Pills Candy don't give and dry fruit also keep in your monitor.

- Baby's feeder never hot in the microwave. The milk is not hot every inside as any "hot spot" can burn Child's mouth.

- Don't let them catch pencil, key or any pointed item.

- Keep tape or plastic adopter on the sockets of electricity and don't leave any wire naked or without plug.

- Don't keep such cloth on the table that the child can pull and on the top there is no decoration piece, glass or heavy item on it.

- Do not Let the child never stand alone in bath filled with water, not even for a moment. The children may fall down in the face and they are drowned.

- Do not wore your children any amulet, locket or necklace as they can take them in mouth and reached to their throat.

- All medicines and dangerous chemicals (Mud Oil, bleaching, acid etc) keep in the locks in every case.

- Take special care in the case of ladder and roof.

- Don't let them sit alone on motorcycle without third adult person.

- Do not set your children in front seat of the car, and the fools who drive in the lap, do not be able to do so.

- Keep the outer doors always keep off and take care that the child's hand does not reach the kandi or the lock.

This few security strategies can save the house from becoming the mourning temple.

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Tue 6 Jun 2017

Beta: Amma, bahar darwazay par kooray wala aya hay...

Maa: Beta, kooray walay to hum hain, wo to safai wala hay...

Bachon ki tarbiyat kay andaz badlo, bachon may positive change khood aye ga...



App aur Hukmaran



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Thu 22 May 2014
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Sun 22 May 2011

A letter from Mom and Dad

...My Child,

When I get old,
I hope you understand and have patience with me.

In case I break a plate,
or spill soup on the table because I am losing my eyesight,
I hope you don't yell at me.
Older people are sensitive.
Always having self-pity when you yell.

When my hearing gets worse and I can't hear what you are saying,
I hope you don't call me, "Deaf!"
Please repeat what you say
Or write it down

I am sorry, my child.
... I am getting older

When my knees get weaker,
I hope you have the patience to help me get up.
Like how I used to help you when you were little,
learning how to walk.

Please bear with me
When I keep repeating myself like a broken record,
I hope you just keep listening to me
Please don't make fun of me,
get sick of listening to me

Do you remember when you were little and you wanted a Balloon?
You repeated yourself over and over until you got what you wanted

...Please also pardon my smell.
I smell like an old person
Please don't force me to shower.
My body is weak.
Old people gets sick easily when they are cold.
I hope I don't gross you out.

Do you remember when you were little?
I used to chase you around because you didn't want to shower.

I hope you can be patient with me
When I am always cranky
It's all part of getting old.
You'll understand when you're older

And if you have spare time,
I hope we can talk
Even for a few minutes
I am always by myself all the time.
And have no one to talk to
I know you are busy with work.
Even if you are not interested in my stories,
please have time for me.

Do you remember when you were little?
I used to listen to your stories about your teddy bear.

When the time comes
and I get ill and bedridden,
I hope you have the patience to take care of me.

I'm Sorry
If I accidentally wet the bed or make a mess.
I hope you have the patience to take care of me during the last few moments of my life
I am not going to last much longer, anyway.

When the time of my death comes,
I hope you hold my hand
and give me the strength to face death.

And don't worry...
When I finally meet our creator..
I will whisper in his ear
to BLESS you
Because you loved your Mom and Dad.
Thank you so much for your care.
We love you.

With much love,
- Mom and Dad-


{We made a covenant with the Children of Israel: "You shall not worship except GOD. You shall honor your parents and regard the relatives, the orphans, and the poor. You shall treat the people amicably. You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat)." But you turned away, except a few of you, and you became averse.} [The Quran 2:83]

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Sat 12 Feb 2011










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Wed 17 Jun 2009

Hope Mr. Bean will not mind it :)


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