Wed 21 Sep 2011
Categories : Reality of Islam
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Tue 21 Jun 2011

البث المباشر من الحرمين الشريفين

Watch spiritual, lovely and peaceful live view from Holy Kaaba, Makkah and Listen to Holy Quraan, maashaAllah

بث حي للصلاة من المسجد الحرام- مباشر- قناة القرآن الكريم

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بث حي للصلاة من المسجد النبوى صلي الله عليه وسلم - مباشر- قناة القرآن الكريم

Watch spiritual, lovely and peaceful live view from Holy Masjid Nabawi sallaLlaho alaihi wassallum, Madinah and Listen to Holy Quraan, maashaAllah

In case of your slow network connection, please watch one video at a time. Instead pause video, refresh/load page.



Categories : Reality of Islam
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Thu 12 Mar 2009

Assalamu alaika ayyuhannabiyyu warahmatuLlahi wabarakatuhu

Assalamu alaika ayyuhar rahmatallil aalameen warahmatuLlahi wabarakatuhu

اللهم صلي و سلم و بارك علي محمد و صلي علي اله محمد

Categories : Thoughts / Lessons
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Sat 7 Mar 2009

Almighty Allah says: "Surely Allah and His angels send blessings on the Holy Prophet (sallaLlahu ‘alaihi wa sallum). O you who believe! send blessings (durood) and salutations (salaams) on the Prophet with worthy salutation". (Surah al-Ahzab: 56) 


اللهم صلي و سلم و بارك علي محمد و صلي علي اله محمد


Narrated by Ubayy ibn Ka'b (Radi Allah Ta'lah Anhu): "I said: Allah's Messenger (SallaLlaho-alaihi-wasallum), I invoke blessings upon you very frequently. How much of my supplication should I devote to you. He said: As much as you like. I said: May it be a quarter? He said: As much as you like, but if you increase it, it will be good for you. I said: May it be a half? He said: As much as you like, but if you increase it, it will be good for you. I said: May it be two thirds? He said: As much as you like but if you make an increase in it, it will be better. I said: May I devote the whole of my supplication to you (that I make in my prayer)? Thereupon he said: In that case it will take care of you and your sins would be expiated."

Tirmidhi transmitted it. Hadith No. 929 of Mishkat al-Masabih



اللهم صلي و سلم و بارك علي محمد و صلي علي اله محمد



Sending peace and blessings on Fridays has been especially emphasized. Narrated Abu Darda (radiAllahu anahu) that The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: 'Invoke blessings on me abundantly on the day of Jum‘ah (Friday) for it is witnessed. The angels attend it, and none invokes blessings on me but his supplication is presented to me till he stops.' I asked whether that applied also after his death, and he replied, 'Allah has prohibited the Earth from consuming the bodies of the prophets; so Allah's prophets are alive and given provision..'
[Ibn Majah no.1366 Mishkat al-Masabih]



اللهم صلي و سلم و بارك علي محمد و صلي علي اله محمد



There are also severe warnings for not sending prayers and blessings such as miser / dust on face when Muhammad (sallaLlahu ‘alaihi wa sallum) name is mentioned.


اللهم صلي و سلم و بارك علي محمد و صلي علي اله محمد


Categories : Reality of Islam
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Tue 9 Sep 2008
Categories : Reality of Islam
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Wed 7 Feb 2007

BismiLlahir Rehmanir Raheem
Meditation of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)

Remember! A Role Model For Forever…

When going through hardships, remember the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam) in Ta'if!

When being starved, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam) tying two stones to his stomach in the battle of Khandaq!

When becoming angry, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s control of anger on the martyrdom of his beloved Uncle Hamza!

When losing a tooth, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s tooth in the battle of Uhud!

When bleeding from any part of the body, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s body covered in blood on his return from Ta'if!

When feeling lonely, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s seclusion in Mount Hira!

When feeling tired in Salaat, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s blessed feet in Tahajjud!

When being prickled with thorns, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s pain from Abu Lahab's wife!

When being troubled by neighbors, remember the old woman who would empty rubbish on the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)!

When losing a child, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s son, Ibrahim!

When beginning a long journey, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s long journey to Madinah!

When going against a Sunnah, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s intercession, (Ummati, Ummati, Ummati) (My Ummah)!

When sacrificing an animal, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s sacrifice of 63 animals for his Ummah!

Before shaving your beard, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s face rejecting the two beardless!

When falling into an argument with your wife, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s encounter with Aisha and Hafsa (Radhiyallahu anhumaa)!

When experiencing less food in the house, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s days of poverty!

When experiencing poverty, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s advice to Ashaab-e-Suffa (People of Suffa)!

When losing a family member, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s departure from this world!

When becoming an orphan, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s age at six!

When sponsoring an orphan, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s sponsor for Zaid ibn Haritha (Radhiyallahu anhu)!

When fearing an enemy, remember the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)'s saying to Abu Bakr in Mount Thour!

Whatever situation you may find yourself in, remember your role model, the best of creation: Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa alaihi wassallam)!

Are we pleasing him or displeasing him?


Categories : Reality of Islam
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