Code (27)

25-09-2019 Programmatic Logic - Munafiq, Amanat may Khayanat - Hypocrite, Breach of Trust
06-10-2018 From wireframe to HTML, Design to Code - AI Power Sample
08-11-2012 Recursive Query Parent Child Concatenation
25-04-2012 Change or remove filter / filter content from Sharepoint list / library view columns
20-04-2011 Sigin as different user in using Windows authentication
26-01-2011 Powershell CmdLets
30-05-2010 Update Statistics - Query to find tables and index number of statistics being old
15-03-2010 Passing encrypted data between JavaScript and C#
12-02-2010 Sharepoint - SPWeb.Groups Vs SPWeb.SiteGroups
28-01-2010 Accessing JD Edwards Data on iSeries or AS/400 from a ASP.NET / SQL Encoding / Error problem
28-01-2010 Controls not functional after Export to Excel or Export to PDF of Telerik in Sharepoint Application page
05-10-2009 ASP.NET Cannot open log for source {0}. You may not have write access. - Access is denied
28-08-2009 CRM - The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'BuildVersion', database 'MicrosoftCRM_MSCRM', schema 'dbo'
22-08-2009 CRM - Retrieve Cultures information from CRM into your Custom Web Application
21-08-2009 CRM - Globalization / Localization in Custom Web Application
19-08-2009 CRM - Do you want to save this file? Blank.aspx?
18-08-2009 CRM Exception - Microsoft.Crm Application.Platform.Report. InternalCreate(String xml)
18-08-2009 CRM Exception - Microsoft.Crm.Reporting SRSReport.convertDataSource()
24-06-2009 Oracle SQL Developer - Unable to create an instance of the Java Virtual Machine
27-01-2009 Detecting Idle time or Inactivity in Windows Forms
23-01-2009 PasswordChar and Set focus on page load for ToolStripTextBox
21-01-2009 Capture Form Close Event
21-01-2009 Richtextbox or multiline textbox and AcceptButton to handle Enter or Tab key press
21-01-2009 Key Combination shortcuts in C# Windows Form
01-01-2009 Convert string to hexadecimal and hexadecimal to string
31-12-2008 Implementing Transaction in Stored Procedure
31-12-2008 Implementing Transaction in .NET
Wed 21 Jan 2009

In windows form, if you don't want user to close the form by pressing Alt+F4 or Cross (x) button accidently and without saving existing form status, you may need to capture the form close event.

In the FormClosing event of form, FormClosingEventArg has a property called CloseReason. This is very usefull because if you want the Form to stop closing if the closing reason was CloseReason.UserClosing or some thing else.

You can do e.Cancel = true to prevent form being closed, then do something in your code and finally close the form programatically.


        private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
                e.Cancel = true;

                //Check the status of form, Save form status if required or other logic




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Wed 21 Jan 2009

In windows form, if you have richtextbox or multiline textbox then usually enter key use to enter a new line.

But if AcceptButton property of Form is set for some action/button press, then pressing enter key in richtextbox or multiline textbox doesn't enter a new line rather AcceptButton calls.

To supress this set the property AcceptsTab to true in richtexbox. In case of multiline textbox / control set AcceptsReturn and AcceptTab property to true.


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Wed 21 Jan 2009

Tonight in windows form, using C# language I required to use key combination like we use Ctrl+S to save form, CTRL+F to find etc.

In windows form, its quite easy. Just enable KeyPreview property to true. This property makes the form get the key events before the controls, so you can set the KeyPress event on the form.

Form1.KeyPreview = true;

After that, set the form event for the keypress/key down

this.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(this.Form1_KeyDown);

Now shortcut part comes here, follow like this

private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
 if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.S)
 else if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.F)

Hope it helps some one.


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Thu 1 Jan 2009

Today I need to convert between string and hexadecimal in C#...

         public string StrToHex(string plainText)
            char[] charArray = plainText.ToCharArray();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            int num;
            string hex;
            for (int i = 0; i < charArray.Length; i++)

                if (i > 0)
                num = Convert.ToInt32(charArray[i]);

                hex = num.ToString("x");

             return sb.ToString();


         public string HexToStr(string hexaText)
           string[] strArray = hexaText.Split(new char[] { '-' });
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; ++i)
                sb.Append((char)Convert.ToInt32(strArray[i], 16));
            return sb.ToString();


Implementation as

string str = "TestString";
string hexStr = StrToHex(str);   // => 54-65-73-74-53-74-72-69-6e-67
str = HexToStr(hexStr); // => TestString



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Wed 31 Dec 2008

Sample Code Oracle stored procedure - In this simple implementation, call commit at the end of work done, and Rollback if any exception occur.








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Wed 31 Dec 2008

Today I need to implement transaction in .NET. Front end language was VB.NET and database was Oracle.

This transaction is being implemented using Oracle Data Access Provider - ODP.NET.

Simple implementation is that create and open a connection, begin transaction using that connection, create command using that connection, call stored procedures or statments using command(s), if every thing gone fine and success then call commit of that transaction else rollback, and in last close and dispose connection and transaction.

Be sure not to use commit, rollback or statement that causes transaction invalidate inside the procedure that is being called within .NET transaction, otherwise that .NET transaction scope will no longer valid as within that connection commit or rollback have been called.

Sample code that make my work done is :-


Private Sub Save()
Dim conn As New OracleConnection("ConnString")
Dim trans As OracleTransaction
Dim success as Boolean = False

 trans = conn.BeginTransaction
success =  saveThingOne(conn)
If success Then
success = saveThingTwo(conn)
End If

If success  Then
End If

Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

Private Sub saveThingOne(ByVal conn As OracleConnection) As Boolean
Dim success as Boolean = False
Using comm As New OracleCommand("Save_Thing_One_Stored_Procedure", conn)
   comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
   comm.Parameters.Add("IN_ID", OracleType.Number).Value = intID
   comm.Parameters.Add("IN_THING_ONE", OracleType.VarChar, 60).Value = strThingONe
   comm.Parameters.Add("OUT_RESULT", OracleType.Number).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
‘Here if that procedure successfully perform action then will return 0 in case of success and 1 in case of failure
success = Iif(comm.Parameters(“OUT_RESULT”).Value.ToString().equals(“0”), True, False)
Return success
End Using
End Sub

Private Sub saveThingTwo(ByVal conn As OracleConnection)
Dim success as Boolean = False
Using comm As New OracleCommand("Save_Thing_Two_Stored_Procedure", conn)
   comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
   comm.Parameters.Add("IN_ID", OracleType.Number).Value = intID
   comm.Parameters.Add("IN_THING_TWO", OracleType.VarChar, 60).Value = strThingTwo
   comm.Parameters.Add("OUT_RESULT", OracleType.Number).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
‘Here if that procedure successfully perform action then will return 0 in case of success and 1 in case of failure
success = Iif(comm.Parameters(“OUT_RESULT”).Value.ToString().equals(“0”), True, False)
Return success

End Using
End Sub



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