Sun 17 Nov 2019
When the weather turns frightful, outdoor cats seek a warm spot to sleep.

That may be your car engine, top of your wheels or under the hood.

Help save a life by following these simple safety tips if you park outside:

1. Bang on the hood of the car before getting in.
2. Slam your door when you're seated.
3. Honk your horn a few times.
4. Wait a minute to start your vehicle.

Categories : Thoughts / Lessons
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Tue 17 Jul 2018

ایک ڈھائی سال کا بچہ ایمرجنسی میں لایا گیا.

چابی سے کھیلتے ہوئے اس نے وہی چابی بجلی کی ایکسٹینشن میں دے دی. شدید جھٹکا لگا اور جب تک ہمارے پاس پہنچا حرکت قلب بند ہو چکی تھی.

خدارا بچوں کے معاملے میں بہت احتیاط کریں. بالخصوص یہ 1 سے 3 سال کی عمر نہایت خطرناک ہے.

اس عمر کے بچے کو:

- کسی صورت میں بھی سکہ یا کوئی بھی ایسی چھوٹے سائز کی کھیلنے والی چیز نہ دیں جو گلے میں پھنس سکتی ہو.

- گولیاں ٹافیاں بالکل نہ دیں اور ڈرائی فروٹ بھی اپنی نگرانی میں دیں.

- بچے کا فیڈر کبھی بھی مائکرو ویو میں گرم نہ کریں. اس سے دودھ ہر طرف سے ایک جیسا گرم نہیں ہوتا اور کوئی "ہاٹ سپاٹ" بچے کا منہ جلا سکتا ہے.

- پنسل، تیلا، چابی یا کوئی بھی نوکیلی چیز مت پکڑنے دیں.

- بجلی کے ساکٹس پر ٹیپ لگا کر رکھیں اور کوئی بھی تار ننگی یا بغیر پلگ کے نہ چھوڑیں.

- ٹیبل پر ایسا کپڑا نہ ہو جسے بچہ کھینچ لے اور اوپر پڑا کوئی ڈیکوریشن پیس اسے زخمی کر دے.

- دراز ایسے ہوں(سٹاپر والے) کے بچہ کھینچے تو پورے کے پورے باہر نکل کر اسکے اوپر نہ گر جائیں.

- بچے کو کبھی بھی پانی سے بھری بالٹی یا باتھ ٹب کے پاس اکیلا کھڑا نہ چھوڑیں-. ایک لمحے کیلئے بھی نہیں. بچے اوندھے منہ بالٹی میں گر کر فوراً ڈوب جاتے ہیں.

- بچے کے گلے میں تعویذ، لاکٹ وغیرہ نہ لٹکائیں اور نہ چوسنی کا ہار پہنائیں. یہ کسی بھی وقت پھندا بن سکتے ہیں.

- تمام ادویات اور خطرناک کیمیکلز (مٹی کا تیل، بلیچ، تیزاب وغیرہ) ہر صورت میں تالے میں رکھیں.

- سیڑھی اور چھت کی منڈیر کے معاملے میں خاص احتیاط کریں.

- موٹرسائیکل پر بغیر کسی تیسرے بڑے شخص کے اپنے ساتھ اکیلے مت بٹھائیں.

- گاڑی میں اگلی سیٹ پر ہرگز نہ بٹھائیں اور گود میں لے کر ڈرائیو کرنے والے احمقوں والی حرکت تو بالکل نہ کریں.

- بیرونی دروازے ہمیشہ بند رکھیں اور خیال رکھیں کہ بچے کا ہاتھ کنڈی یا لاک تک نہ پہنچتا ہو.

یہ چند احتیاطی تدابیر آپکے ہنستے بستے گھر کو آناً فاناً ماتم کدہ بننے سے بچا سکتی ہیں.

A two and half year-old child was brought to emergency.

While playing with the key, he gave the same key to the power of electricity. It was a severe shock, the heart was closed.

Please be very careful in the case of children. Especially this is the age of 1 to 3 years old.

To the child of this age:

- Do not give a coin in any form or any small size that can be stuck in the throat.

- Pills Candy don't give and dry fruit also keep in your monitor.

- Baby's feeder never hot in the microwave. The milk is not hot every inside as any "hot spot" can burn Child's mouth.

- Don't let them catch pencil, key or any pointed item.

- Keep tape or plastic adopter on the sockets of electricity and don't leave any wire naked or without plug.

- Don't keep such cloth on the table that the child can pull and on the top there is no decoration piece, glass or heavy item on it.

- Do not Let the child never stand alone in bath filled with water, not even for a moment. The children may fall down in the face and they are drowned.

- Do not wore your children any amulet, locket or necklace as they can take them in mouth and reached to their throat.

- All medicines and dangerous chemicals (Mud Oil, bleaching, acid etc) keep in the locks in every case.

- Take special care in the case of ladder and roof.

- Don't let them sit alone on motorcycle without third adult person.

- Do not set your children in front seat of the car, and the fools who drive in the lap, do not be able to do so.

- Keep the outer doors always keep off and take care that the child's hand does not reach the kandi or the lock.

This few security strategies can save the house from becoming the mourning temple.

Categories : Thoughts / Lessons
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Wed 23 May 2018


Nabeez [Nabidh] was one of the drinks consumed by the Holy Prophet (SallaLlahu alaihi wasallam).


In his time, it was typically made with dates or raisins and water. 


It is an alkalizing tonic, having the tendency to remove acidity from the stomach and digestive system and it also helps to remove other metabolic wastes from the body.


It improves digestion as it’s high in soluble fiber and it strengthens the memory.


It assists the spleen function, liver, throat, chest and prostate, and so is particularly good for men.


Nabeez will also benefit patients of Arthritis and elevated levels of Uric Acid (gout).




Ajwa Dates or any other dates available

Water 1 glass

Honey 1 tsp




Soak dates overnight in a covered container.


You can soak MUNAKA OR GOLDEN RASIN also instead of dates.


Remove seeds next day and grind dates with water, you can add honey too.


Strain and serve.


You can drink water without grinding dates.


Eat dates separately.


An ideal drink for Ramazan that will boost u.



Comments (1)
Fri 18 May 2018

This post contains following topics

1) Common mistakes in Ramadan

2) Helpful things in Ramadan and Fasting

3) Things To Be Avoided During Ramadan


1) Common mistakes in Ramadhan:


1. Drinking Milkshakes made with syrups etc on a daily basis

- Why Don't: It contains high amounts of sugar, additives  and colourants

- Solution: If you have to, drink it twice a week maximum


2. Drinking large amounts of water at iftaar time

- Why this mistake: Filling the stomach with water is more strenuous to it than with food. 

- Solution: have a few sips at iftaar then a glass after every two hours.


3. Exercising directly after iftaar.

- Why this mistake: the body's blood flow is concentrated around the stomach at that time.

- Solution: Exercise after two hours of eating to ease digestion.


4. Chewing and swallowing food fast.

- Why this mistake: chewing food slowly can speed up digestion and help maintain your weight


5. Having dessert directly after iftaar

- Why this mistake: they make you drowsy and sleepy 

- Solution: leave at least a two hour gap between iftaar and dessert to stay fresh and awake for ishaa and taraweeh prayers


6. Consuming foods with high amounts of sodium

- Why this mistake: Sodium triggers thirst through out the fasting hours of the day

- Solution: instead, eat foods that are high in potassium, they retain water and supress your thirst.


2) Helpful things in Ramadan and Fasting


# Bananas are high in potassium. A banana at Suhoor time can control your thirst level through out the day.


# Best sources of potassium for Suhoor time: 

 - bananas

 - milk

 - dates

 - avocados

 - dried peaches

 - pistachios

 - pumpkin

 - peas

 - dark chocolate


# Worst choices for Suhoor: 

 - biryani

 - kebab

 - pizza

 - fast food in general

 - cheese

 - haleem


# Best choices for Suhoor: 

 - potato

 - rice

 - dates

 - whole grain bread

 - banana


# Drinking lots of water at suhoor is important, but not as much as drinking it through out your non-fasting hours.


3) Things To Be Avoided During Ramadan


1. Don't sleep during the day and pray all night. By doing this you are converting the day into night and the night into day, which is not the purpose of fasting.


2. Avoid being lazy and inactive during the day.


3. Don't waste time playing games during the day. Rather, please Allah by increasing in your worship of him.


4. Avoid having Iftar parties. Ramadan wasn't meant to be a food extravaganza.


5. Dont ask and let your mother or wife to spend Ramadan in the Kitchen. Eat something light and quick. Let her also make Du'a n utilize the month of forgiveness.


6. Spend the last 10 days worshipping Allah rather than trying to prepare for Eid! A day that is better than a thousand months is in these last 10 days. You can't afford to miss this.


7. Dont stay awake the full night. Your body has a right over you, and when it wants rest, then rest.


8. Avoid excessive socialising after Taraweeh


9. Avoid shopping a lot in Ramadhaan.


10. Dont eat the full night.


11. Dont loiter around at night rather than worshipping Allah.


12. Eid doesnt require loads of preparation. Dont fall into this trap! Keep it simple, and it will be blessed.


May we avail this Ramadan with sound health and with loved one family - Aameen....


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Fri 23 May 2014
Categories : Reality of Islam
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Wed 25 Apr 2012

In sharepoint, if it is required to disable the filter and to keep only the sorting, then following workaround could be the solution one.
(Following change are done to sharepoint 2010 using sharepoint designer 2010, might be it works for 2007 aswell)

Please keep the copy of file(s) which you are going to change, incase if some mishap happen J

·         Open the desired sharepoint site in sharepoint designer

·         Select Lists and Libraries from the Site Objects

·         Select desired list / library

·         Select the desired view from the views list where you want to remove to remove filter

·         Click on advance mode

·         Search for the <ViewFields> inside <XmlDefinition>

·         Now add following desired attribute to all desired columns. (All column are  <FieldRef Name="ModifiedOn" />)


 <FieldRef Name=" ModifiedOn " LinkToItem="TRUE" Filterable="FALSE" FilterDisableMessage="No filter available "/>

After that, edit the page where the list / library webpart exists or add webpart (list / library) if not already added on the page,  edit webpart properties and select the desired view again then click apply button to reflect changes.


In above,

·         You can change the default text for disabled filter using FilterDisableMessage="No filter available " attribute

·         By adding Filterable="FALSE", now the filter will not be available

·         If you want to make a particular column clickable, then add LinkToItem="TRUE"


Comments (4)
Wed 26 Jan 2011

Get-SPSite | where {$_.url -like "http://a *"}

Get-SPFarm | Format-List Id, BuildVersion, Servers, Solutions

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell


ExecuteHelloWorldScript from batchfile

powershell -Command "& {.\Hello.ps1}" -NoExit

powershell -Command "& {Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass}" -NoExit



if($args) {
  $SiteName = $args[0]
  $SiteUrl = "http://a:3811/sites/ " + $SiteName
  Write-Host "Begin creating Contoso site at" $SiteUrl
  $NewSite = New-SPSite -URL $SiteUrl -OwnerAlias Administrator -Template STS#1 -Name $SiteName
  $RootWeb = $NewSite.RootWeb
  $RootWeb.Title = "Contoso Site: " + $SiteName
  Write-Host "New Contoso site successfully created"
  Write-Host "-------------------------------------"
  Write-Host "Title:" $RootWeb.Title -foregroundcolor Yellow
  Write-Host "URL:" $RootWeb.Url -foregroundcolor Yellow
  Write-Host "ID:" $RootWeb.Id.ToString() -foregroundcolor Yellow
Else {
  Write-Host "ERROR: You must supply Name as parameter when calling CreateContosoSite.ps1"



$path = "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14"

Get-ChildItem $path -recurse |
  Where-Object {$ -like "*SharePoint*.dll"} |
  Sort-Object -Property Name -unique |
  Format-Table Name



Get-SPFeature -Limit ALL |
  Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like "*Publishing*"} |
  Sort-Object -Property Scope
  Format-Table DisplayName, Id, Scope



Get-SPFarm | Format-List
Get-SPSite | where {$_.url -like "http://a *"}
.\CreateContosoSite.ps1 lab01test


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