Wed 22 Aug 2007

Have a look at this, its gonna be helpful!...

Ergonomic_Tips_for_Computer_Users.pps (537.00 kb)

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Fri 27 Jul 2007
Categories : Health / Medical
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Thu 12 Apr 2007
This is a mail from the person working with Software Company with his life incident 

Dear colleagues, I am working in Blore Software City .

I wanted to share an incident of my life with you, hoping that it may be an eye opener to you so that you can live more years.

On 27 th October afternoon I had severe heart attack symptom and I was rushed to the hospital.

After reaching to the hospital the doctors prescribed a test called angiogram. This test is basically to identify blood flow of heart arteries.

When they finished the test they found a 94% block in the main artery, please see the image below with red circle.



At this point I wanted to share my living style which has caused this block in my heart arteries. Please see the below points of my life style, if any of these points are part of your life style then you are at risk, please change yourselves.

1.         I was not doing any physical exercise for more than 10 years, not even walking 30 minutes a day for years.

2.         My food timings are 11:00 AM Breakfast or no Breakfast, 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Lunch and dinner at 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM.  

3.         Sleeping in very odd timings, going to bed between 12:00 AM and 3:00 AM. Waking up at between 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM. Some times spending
           sleepless nights.
4.         I used to eat heavily because of long gaps between lunch and dinner and I used to make sure that Non-Veg is available most of the time, there were
           times when I did survey on city hotels to find delicious Non-Veg dishes. I was never interested in vegetable and healthier food.
5.         Above all I was chain smoker form years.
6.         My father passed away due to heart problems, and the doctors say the heart problems are usually genetic.

Once they identified the major block they have done immediately a procedure called angioplasty along with 2 Stents, mean they will insert a foreign body into the heart arteries and open the blocked area of arteries.

Please see the below image after the procedure.



I learnt form the doctors that 60% people will die before reaching the hospital, 20% people will die in the process of recovering form heart attack and only 20% will survive. In my case I was very lucky to be part of the last 20%.

Doctors instructions:

1.         Need to have physical exercise for minimum of 45 minutes daily.
Eat your food at perfect timings , like how you eat during your school days. Eat in small quantities more times and have lot of vegetables
           and boiled food, try to avoid fry items and oily food. Fish is good than other non-vegetarian food.

3.         Sleep for 8 hours a day, this count
should complete before sun rising .
4.         Stop smoking.
5.         Genetic problems, we can not avoid but we can get away form it by having regular checkups.
6.         Find a way to get relived from the stress (Yoga, Meditation? etc).

So I urge you all to please avoid getting into this situation, it is in your hands to turn the situation up side down, by just planning / changing your life style, by following simple  points above.
Because life is wealth and GOD gives you life only once. I pray to GOD that no one should face this situation.

Wish you a healthier life.  


Comments (3)
Fri 6 Apr 2007

Blood groups 'can be converted'
Supplies of blood are always stretched

Scientists have developed a way of converting one blood group into another.

The technique potentially enables blood from groups A, B and AB to be converted into group O negative, which can be safely transplanted into any patient.

The method, which makes use of newly discovered enzymes, may help relieve shortages of blood for transfusions.

The work, led by the University of Copenhagen, is reported in the journal Nature Biotechnology.
Using incompatible blood during a transfusion can put a patient's life in danger.

The blood cells of people with group A and B blood contain one of two different sugar molecules - known as antigens - which can trigger an immune system response.
People with AB blood have both types of molecule, while those with group O blood have neither.
People produce antibodies against the antigens they lack.

This means groups A, B and AB can only be given to patients with compatible blood, while O - as long as it is rhesus negative - can be given to anyone.
The new technique works by using bacterial enzymes to cut sugar molecules from the surface of red blood cells.

After a search of 2,500 fungi and bacteria the researchers discovered two bacteria - Elizabethkingia meningosepticum and Bacterioides fragilis - which contained potentially useful enzymes.

They found that enzymes from both bacteria were able to remove both A and B antigens from red blood cells.

Trials needed

However, they say that patient trials will be needed before the conversion method can be used in hospitals.
Writing in the same journal, blood experts Geoff Daniels, of the Bristol Institute for Transfusion Sciences, and Stephen Withers, of the University of British Columbia, Canada, welcome the research.

They said the use of enzymes to convert blood group has long been proposed, but has proved to be impractical due to the inefficiency and incompatibility of available enzymes.

However, they say the enzymes discovered in the latest study may finally overcome these problems.

They write: "Their method may enable manufacture of universal red cells, which would substantially reduce pressure on the blood supply."

The new process cannot do anything about another antigen that can trigger an immune response. Blood which carries this antigen is known as rhesus positive.

This means that only rhesus negative blood can be used to create the new type of group O supplies.

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Tue 7 Mar 2006

For the past several months, news have been appearing about the spread of highly pathogenic (infectious) H5N1 avian influenza virus in wild or
domestic birds in countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Recently a similar virus has been suspected in the poultry farms in Northern Pakistan.

  Although H5N1 virus is highly infectious among poultry, it is not easily transmissible to humans. Since December 2003, the virus is known to have
infected 173 people, of whom 93 have died. Not one of these cases has been linked to the consumption of properly cooked poultry or poultry products.

  The World Health Organization reconfirms that, when poultry products are safely handled and properly cooked, humans are not at risk of  acquiring
H5N1 infection through food consumption.

  The main health risk currently is to people who are in close contact with infected poultry, such as families with backyard flocks and poultry workers in wet markets or live animal markets.

  We are investigating further into the matter but in the meantime following precautions must be taken at all Eni Pakistan locations,

  * Eggs should not be consumed raw or partially cooked. Raw eggs should not be used in foods that will not be treated by heat high enough to kill the virus (70 Degrees C)

* No live chickens neither raw poultry should be handled at any Eni Pakistan location. Properly packaged or frozen poultry meat should be delivered at all locations.

* The packaged or frozen poultry meat should also be cooked up to 70 Degrees C. All parts of the poultry should be fully cooked (no "pink" parts and no "runny" yolks)

* Persons involved in food preparation should wash their hands thoroughly and clean and disinfect surfaces in contact with the poultry products.

* Soap and hot water are sufficient for this purpose. Same precaution must be taken while handling poultry stored under refrigeration.


Comments (1)
Fri 30 Dec 2005

During a BBQ a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call  paramedics) They  got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up; Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00pm, Ingrid passed away.)  She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ - had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. It only takes a minute to read this- recognizing a Stroke 
  A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed and getting to the patient within 3 hours, which is tough. 
  "3" steps. Read and Learn!
 Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
  Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
 1. *Ask the individual to SMILE.
 2. *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.
 3. *Ask the person to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE coherently) (I.e... .It is sunny out today)
If he or she has trouble with any of these tasks, call 9-1-1 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
After discovering that a group of non-medical volunteers could identify facial weakness, arm weakness and speech problems, researchers urged the general public to learn the three questions. They presented their conclusions at the American Stroke Association's annual meeting last February. Widespread use of this test could result in prompt diagnosis and treatment of the stroke and prevent brain damage.
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.

Categories : Health / Medical
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